custom programs for windows startmenu/desktop


Junior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
A cold dark place
Does anyone know how the following could be tied into windows xp?

1) Custom desktop - id like to write a new program to manage the desktop, Icons would be able to have different sizes and free floating positions. Also just any information on writing a customized desktop/ accessing the data windows uses for its desktop and the "right click" menu that the windows desktop has.

2) Custom Start menu - reprogram the windows start menu. Reorganize / resize (height only) the items in the windows start menu, also have a program that keeps data on how often each item is used, search times etc...

Does anyone know of any slightly less painfull ways of doing these, (writing a new OS, is a little out of the range for the time i have available for this).

What about the registry?

Try looking through the registry. I would figure icons settings and such would be stored there.