Custom HTML output layer via for IIS?


Feb 11, 2004
Rochester, NY
Coding a custom adaptive rendering layer for IIS?

As we all know, IIS outputs custom htm/css/js from ASP.Net apps according to what browser & version you're using on the webpage.

I think we can all agree IE is treated as a first class citizen while other browsers are sometimes given inferior rendering simply because MS didn't offer custom rendering paths for specific browsers (ex: Opera, FireFox, etc).

I want to know if it's possible to create my own rendering path for IIS so that my ASP.Net apps can have improved rendering for 3rd party browsers.

Obviously this is something I want to be able to deploy on different IIS servers, I want it to be totally seperate from my ASP.Net applications.

Can anybody give me a starting point and yes, I know what I'm asking will take a lot of work.

BTW, I've found at least one detailed article touching on the subject at
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After looking into the issue a little bit, I notice that .Net 2.0 starts to solve the problem by allowing custom filters on a per control basis, although it seems mostly target towards WML rendering of ASP.Net stuff.

Considering the way MS is taking custom rendering in .Net 2.0, I'm guessing there is no single point where the ASP.Net module could point to specific adaptive rendering path for certain browsers & versions. Instead MS is giving developers the ability to customize their control's HTML output via in code filters.

Am I barking up the wrong tree looking for a more layered solution (adaptive rendering outside of each ASP.Net application), assuming it's even possible?