Custom Control Help


Senior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
I'm working on a custom server control and have a component I created that is a property of this control. If I manually (in code) set the property, everything is great - if I let the desinger do it, in the html it properly assigns a value, but when the page renders I get the following error:

Unable to generate code for a value of type 'MyComponentName'. This error occurred while trying to generate the property value for ThePropertyMentioned - this happens before the constructor for that component is even I don't know what .NET is trying to do.

No other custom properties of the control have this problem; but they're simple native types.

I googled the main bits of the error and got jack. And I can't figure out what the problem is, and while the control works great if I set the property manually; it's annoying - it would be like manually having to set the DataSource of a drop down list rather than letting the designer do it.

Any ideas?