cursor location


Feb 10, 2005
I dont know if i am going about this the right way to start with but regardless, i am finding trouble in trying to find the exact location of the cursor in the textbox

Private Function showlvars()
        Dim vartype As String
        Select Case SB_Lang.Text
            Case "KUKA"
                vartype = KUKALanguage.vartype(RTF.Currentword)
                Select Case vartype
                    Case "POSITION"
                End Select
        End Select
        lvars.Location = RTF.Cursor.Position
    End Function

basically in a lot of ways, Im trying to emulate how things work in the environment as they work the same with the robotic software. but i am trying to use a listbox that will appear after someone enters the text ".". i know i dont want to use the cursor position because it comes up incorrect though.
Do you mean
Dim pt As Point
pt.X = ListBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).X
pt.Y = ListBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).Y

Then use the listboxes Bounds.X and Bounds.Y to see which item the cursor is currently over.

Here's a sample with a Listview, the listbox cursor position computations should be same.
Visual Basic:
    Private Sub lvwTrays_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lvwTrays.MouseMove
        Dim pt As Point
        pt.X = lvwTrays.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).X
        pt.Y = lvwTrays.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).Y

        Dim lvwCollection As ListView.ListViewItemCollection = DirectCast(lvwTrays.Items, ListView.ListViewItemCollection)
        Dim lvwItem As ListViewItem
        For Each lvwItem In lvwCollection
            If pt.X >= lvwItem.Bounds.X And pt.X <= lvwItem.Bounds.X + lvwItem.Bounds.Width _
            And pt.Y >= lvwItem.Bounds.Y And pt.Y <= lvwItem.Bounds.Y + lvwItem.Bounds.Height Then
                If Not lvwItem.Selected = True Then lvwItem.Selected = True
            Else : lvwItem.Selected = False
            End If
    End Sub
DiverDan said:
Do you mean
Dim pt As Point
pt.X = ListBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).X
pt.Y = ListBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).Y

Then use the listboxes Bounds.X and Bounds.Y to see which item the cursor is currently over.

Here's a sample with a Listview, the listbox cursor position computations should be same.
Visual Basic:
    Private Sub lvwTrays_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lvwTrays.MouseMove
        Dim pt As Point
        pt.X = lvwTrays.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).X
        pt.Y = lvwTrays.PointToClient(Cursor.Current.Position).Y

        Dim lvwCollection As ListView.ListViewItemCollection = DirectCast(lvwTrays.Items, ListView.ListViewItemCollection)
        Dim lvwItem As ListViewItem
        For Each lvwItem In lvwCollection
            If pt.X >= lvwItem.Bounds.X And pt.X <= lvwItem.Bounds.X + lvwItem.Bounds.Width _
            And pt.Y >= lvwItem.Bounds.Y And pt.Y <= lvwItem.Bounds.Y + lvwItem.Bounds.Height Then
                If Not lvwItem.Selected = True Then lvwItem.Selected = True
            Else : lvwItem.Selected = False
            End If
    End Sub

actually no.

im actually looking for the caret position in the textbox.

I dont know why i have the hardest time finding these things out.

alot of the features that im putting into my program are normally found in most of the applications i use and i dont understand why its not built right in [/soapbox]
I think you'll have an eaiser time finding things out here if you are more specific.

looking at you code....Is it a textbox or a richtext box?

now that we know that you want the caret position I think the boxes SelectionStart properity should help you out.
i am using the rich textbox control.

I am able to find the caret position within the screen now, but what im doing is using a listbox to attempt to simulate intellisense. the problem is that i need to give it an x,y coordinate in order to get it to show up correctly.