"currency separator information" - NumberFormaInfo Error


May 14, 2003
Hello everybody

I'm developing a VB.net Application (my first one) and I'm getting in trouble with it.

I used Win 2000 Pro, Visual StudioPro, to develop it.

The application read a DataBase file (.mdb) and Read-Write to it.

Running the application on my developing machine all work fine, but running the .exe file on other Windows machines (with .NET frameowrk 1.1 and MDAC 2.7 installed on them) I got this error:

"error - the currency separator information specified in the NumberFormatInfo is ambiguos for parsing"

When accessing some particular data into the DataBase.

How is it possible?

How can I solve the problem?

Thanks to everybody!!
Some more info about the starting thread.


Now, I'm testing more my app and I found a problem Here:

I'm using:

> a ListView component (named ListView1)
> a Class I created, named Cliente
> a Class I created, named Macchina

This part of the code where I found the error (listed in the Exception).

Private Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.Click
'-- 2003_05_14
'-- Siccome non funziona... Creo un'eccezione
Dim selected As Integer = ListView1.SelectedIndices.Item(0)
Dim current As Integer = ListView1.Items(selected).SubItems(4).Text
Dim selectedId As Integer = ListView1.Items(selected).SubItems(3).Text
'-- Forse c'è da fare il Parsing quà...
Dim curCliente As Cliente = ar_clienti(current)
Dim curMacchina As Macchina = curCliente.ar_macchine(selectedId)
MessageBox.Show("curCliente: " & curCliente.id)
MessageBox.Show("curMacchina: " & curMacchina.id)
' Solo se esiste, altrimenti deve essere ridefinita...
If Module1.macchineForm Is Nothing Then
Dim frm As Form2 = New Form2()
End If
'-- 2003_05_14
'-- Evito per un attimo di aprire la finestra di dettaglio
'-- Module1.macchineForm.stato = "update"
'-- Module1.macchineForm.mostraDettagliMacchina(curMacchina)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("errore: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub

Could tell me how parse right the indexes from the selcted Item into the listbox?

Please Help,

Thanks a lot