CSS Stylesheets in VS.NET?


Oct 21, 2003
Anybody else have troubles getting stylesheets to function properly in VS.NET?
I have a stylesheet and it renders fine on the webpage itself but in Studio the styles are not shown on the text elements in the design view.
I linked the two together by dragging and dropping the style sheet right on the design view. I see the link in the html and it works but not in design view. This complicates design because I can't get a true idea of what the final product will look like.

I am using labels for most of my text and I am setting the CssClass property in design mode. Not sure why VS.NET can't detect the styles from the style sheet that I have associated and let me choose from a drop down list in this property. That gives me a strange feeling that I am doing this wrong somehow.
I have tried it with Css classes declared like '.TextBig' and 'TextBig' but it makes no difference.

On the general topic, I have found a few small glitches like this in VS.NET. Things were you update some html or a part of the style sheet and you have to 'refresh' the page by jumping from html to design and then back. Not much of a headache but when you combine it with the (and I don't think this is too strong a term) asinine html formatting that VS.NET enforces (yes, I have tried everything possible to get it to stop) it's a real pain in the you know what.

Just my 2 cents. I'm sure all of this is going to be cleared up in the next version.
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I figured out a little bit of what I had wrong. Maybe if someone else has this issue this can be helpful.
I was developing this app on another machine and had linked to another style sheet before I added the current one. I didn't see this other sheet in the html (not sure if it was there or not) but in Design view you can go to Format>Document Styles and it will list the sheets you are dealing with. I zapped that old one and my styles came back in Design view.

Now if only someone could fix the html formatting......