Crystal Reports and Keycode headaches


Jun 25, 2003
Hi All,

I've developed a simple report using cr for Visual Studio .NET. In the deployment application, I see that all the CrystalDecisions.* References have version number: 9.1.3300.0

I could not find the merge modules for CR on my computer and so downloaded them from Crystal's site. The merge modules are version

I set the KeyCode in license.msm to the keycode I got in the email when I registered CR but when I deploy it at the server I keep getting the "Cannot find KeycodeV2.dll, or invalid keycode" error.

I am guessing I need to have the same versions across the references and the merge modules, but I can't seem to find an update for the references or an older version of the merge modules... Please help!

Silly question have you tried speaking to crystal decisions? I beleive when you register you get 2 free support calls?
What is really confusing about this is that the file names are completely different across versions. The merge modules that I linked in to get it to work are:


Remember to put in the key that is displayed next to "Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET" when you click on "Help->About" in VS .NET. If the key does not show up here, it means you probably did not register Crystal Reports - that needs to be done first.

Hope that helps!
Ok. I think I am further along now. The current error is related to loading the report. The stack trace is something like the following:
[LoadSaceReportException:Load Report failed.]
CrystalDecisions.Web.ReportAgent.set_ReportSource(Object value) +224


Also, the setup project that I added to the solution may be the source of the problem. I have found little or no info on how to use the setup projects. For example, adding a shortcut to the app on the desktop, adding the app to the start menu, and perhaps the placement of the app and the report is not correctly specified and is the root of the "cannot find report" exception.

Any advice on all this would be greatly appreciated.