Here is the code:
ReportDocument rptShippingList;
rptShippingList = new ReportDocument();
rptShippingList.Load(Application.StartupPath+ "\\FullCartonPickingInstructionList.rpt");
ParameterDiscreteValue y = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
y.Value = "Transfer";
ParameterValues x = new ParameterValues();
ParameterField param = new ParameterField();
param.Name = "Transfer";
param.CurrentValues = x;
rptShippingList.ParameterFields.Add(param); <---Problem
Everything is fine until the last line. I got a NotSupportedexception which I have not idea what the problem is I have already search the web but no one seems to have such problem! Anyone know what's going on here?
Thanks in advance!
ReportDocument rptShippingList;
rptShippingList = new ReportDocument();
rptShippingList.Load(Application.StartupPath+ "\\FullCartonPickingInstructionList.rpt");
ParameterDiscreteValue y = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
y.Value = "Transfer";
ParameterValues x = new ParameterValues();
ParameterField param = new ParameterField();
param.Name = "Transfer";
param.CurrentValues = x;
rptShippingList.ParameterFields.Add(param); <---Problem
Everything is fine until the last line. I got a NotSupportedexception which I have not idea what the problem is I have already search the web but no one seems to have such problem! Anyone know what's going on here?
Thanks in advance!