cross page


Feb 5, 2004
Hi friends,

I have a problem.....

Actually my main page consist of three framesets. one for banner, one for buttons(links to other pages) and another one for my contents. so, when i logged into my contents,i need to log out to access the buttons(links to other pages) on the same frame.can you please consider it.please reply.....

anyone please help me.....

Thank you in advance...
I won't be able to help you with the frames problem.
There isn't much room for frames in .net design, I recommend that you use templates or user controls.

If you don't mind changing this aspect of your application, let us know so we can help you further.

If anyone else would like to offer help in frame navigation, feel free to do so.

[edit]D'OH, too slow[/edit]
cross page problem

Robby said:
I won't be able to help you with the frames problem.
There isn't much room for frames in .net design, I recommend that you use templates or user controls.

If you don't mind changing this aspect of your application, let us know so we can help you further.

i think you are right!. can i know what are the templates that can be used. Or else , can you please give me the user controls. May be it can help me....thank you for your reply....