Creating Project Error


Sep 18, 2003
hi everyone,

i m new here mi and my mates working on a extremely important project but he cldnt create a proj in his visual version 1.0 on windows XP Prof, the error message being:

"Unable to create the offline cache location '.....'. The directory name is invalid."

He has even tried to format his pc and reinstall everything but it still cldnt work.

Your help will be very much appreciated. Pls and thank you.
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Can you give more detail info?

When do you get that error message? When select "ASP.NET Web Application" and press "OK" button? Any error during VS.NET installation?

Without using VS.NET, IIS work fine?
Their's probably 2 solution.

1. IIS isn't installed (not by default in your XP installation)
2. ASP.NET haven't been installed or had problem during the installation.

atoz : would be great if you give us the way you solve your problem. Tkx
more info

Here is some more info for you:

1) I have been developing web pages using .asp and html on this LAN for over one year. I have never had a problem. I do have IIS and it has continued to work throughout this period.

2) About three months ago, I installed the .NET framework. I made a couple of ASP.NET projects and I did not have a problem. Incidentally, I do know that I must make "virtual" folders for my dotnet projects. I do this using IIS.

3) For the next three months, I did not use the .net framework. However, I continued to make old-fashioned .asp pages throughout this period. During this period, our network people did a massive domain migration. I notice that the address that the error message names directories that no longer exist.
First I would check the registry that no references to those directories still exist. Assuming there aren't anymore....

When are you getting the error? Are you getting it when you try to open a project in VS or when you try to create a new one?
I get the error when I try to create a new project. I will be away from the office until Wednesday morning. I will check this forum again then.

Thanks for all of your support!
I regret to say that my best solution is to reinstall VS. I am sure there is something simpler and if someone here knows it would be great if they would tell us both.

I had a similar issue after I made some major changes in software on my dev PC. After many hours of aggrevation and sweat I finally decided to reinstall and am now happy.
I think that could be the problem of IIS setting.
try this:
Go to IIS Manager (Console)
right click on the folder that your project is pointing on.
Choose Properties.
Go to the Directory Tab

And you could see an Application Setting frame.
if the first button in the frame is "Create" then, click on it. And try reload the project again.
if it appears to be Remove, then, my solution is out.
similar problem

I am fairly familiar with making windows aplications. However resently I tryed to make an asp web form or asp web service

first strange thing that happens is
I click file. new . than choose either webform or webservice.
on both occasions the name part of the new project box is greyed out the only unlike the area marked location. so i have no way to enter a new name for my project i ant to create.
after proceeding with out being able to name my project
the error message i receive is this
the default web access mode for this project is set to share,but the project folder at http://localhost/webapplication1' cannot be opened with the path
"name of my computer gos here"and"wwwroot$webapplication1 the error was returned ...........unable to create webproject"web application 1" the UNC share "Name of my computer gos here" and "wwwroot$/webapplicaion1 does not exist or you do not have access to it
what wuold you like to do
.retry using a different file share path
.try using front page server extensions

I have tryed microsofts help sights and they seam to not help . i have installed sequal server .and it is running . but I do not no if I have that IIS program ..I have uninstalled reinstalled my software and it didnt help
any help will be appreciated.
I opened IIS. I looked at the properties for the folder, but I did not find anything called an "application setting frame".

I may try reinstalling VS. My only concern is that the original poster tried that, and it did not work. I wish that he would logon and tell us the solution.
I fixed the problem!

This is how to fix it.
From the default Vstudio interface, choose "tools".
Then choose "options".
Then choose the "projects" folder.
Then choose "web settings".

You will find a text box that allows you to change the VSWebCache's address.
My problem now is removing unneeded solution files. I can't find any control that says "delete solution". I have already deleted the directories in Windows.
still doesnt work

SteveInOhio said:
I fixed the problem!

This is how to fix it.
From the default Vstudio interface, choose "tools".
Then choose "options".
Then choose the "projects" folder.
Then choose "web settings".

You will find a text box that allows you to change the VSWebCache's address.

Yah and wut now???????????????/