Creating Installers that Check if certain things are installed


Feb 22, 2004
I apologize for double posting this in the MDX forums. I didn't realize there's a deployment forum.

I want to create an installer that first checks for the .NET Framework 1.1, and if it's not there, installs it. It then does the same for DirectX 9.0. And then it installs my program. Is this possible with the Visual Studio.NET installer creator? Or will I have to use something else? If it's possible, would someone please link me?


My Solution


Well, The windows installer that you can produce using .NET automatically checks if the .NET version x is installed before proceding. So if there is no framework it won't install it.

other option:
You can disable that check and inserts and ACTION on the setup project that checks if the .NET framework is installed (you can check the registry very easy - also to check the version - ) and then install it. The action can be a small CMD application. I have use it several times to setup my application after an installation.

Hope this helps