Creating desktop and send to shortcuts during app installation


Oct 1, 2003
Hello Everyone,

I have an application I wish to create a deployment setup that creates a desktop shortcut and a shortcut in the send to menu.

Here is problem #1.
When I create a shortcut on the desktop, the shortcut does not work completely like one created manually. That is double click does launch the application but I also wanted the functionality of allowing the user to drag a file onto the app shortcut and launch the application similar to how you might drag a word document shortcut onto the word icon or winzip. The shortcut created by the deployment does not allow this functionality, however if I create the shortcut manually after installation it does.

Here is problem #2:
I also require that a shortcut be placed in the user's send to menu. I add the special directory, set the flag to always create, and create the shortcut. The setup creates the shortcut in the appropriate user directory but does not display the shortcut in the menu. Again if I create this manually it works correctly.

Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.

