Creating a word document from a ASP.NET page


Oct 21, 2003
From a ASP.NET page a user has to klik on a button and then a word document has to be created. In the final version database information has to be added to the word document.
Local it works but when I run it on a page the office reference are not installed and it doesn't work.

Please could some one help me on the way.


You should probably create a setup package, which will include all the required DLL's.
Just run this setup package on the server and there ya go ;)
But then

The only problem with that is, that if you do that al the creating of Word documents will be done on the server. If you have an organisation of 100 or more people the server will be oveerloaded with creating word documents.
Acctually the way to do it ( ihave found out ) is to use XML streams.
You can create office documents from xml streams. In office 2003 everything is XML. You can make a template of a word document en create the acctual word document from this template(the template is xml). During the creation of the document you can populate fields in de word document with values(adres information) from a database.
Actually i also have problem when i view in browser, it runable and can open a word document.. But if i run it on the internet browser, it can open the document file.. Hope some one can help me solve this problem...