Creating a system messaging control


Sep 1, 2003
Is there anyway to create (or even find on the Internet premade)
a message control that users can view messages from?

I wanted to create a usercontrol that had a textbox and a delete
button in it. the textbox would show a message, the delete key
would delete that message from the list of messages being shown.

In the main asp file, I want to have an area that holds each
usercontrol message that is available. Ex. if there are 5 messages,
then there will be 5 message usercontrols loaded on the aspx.

The only catch with this is that I need the messages to fit in a
preformatted window on the aspx page, so if there are a lot of
messages, then that small window would allow the user to scroll
through them.

I don't know where to start on this. seeing if someone out there
has any suggestions. there is no coding either since i can't figure
how to start on this.

at the moment, the only example I can think of that relates to this
are the message 'alert' boxes from the SimCity 4 game
forgot to add in,

I have tried to load a control in the listbox, thinking it would let
me set the window size and scroll through the controls loaded,
but that didn't seem to work (nothing showed on the screen)