Creating a Image gallery


Apr 29, 2004
I was wondering if anybody could help me or point me to some sites having a good write-up of what I need.

I'm working in ASP .Net with C# codebehind.

I would like to put images out in a folder on my web server and somehow protect them so people cannot download them via a direct link to the image. I have been thinking of a few possibilities including putting the images into a SQL database instead of storing them on the web server but this would require a database hit for each page load.

For my site, I want to create a control that will display small bitmaps of all the images in this folder on the left panel, allowing users to select the image they want to see the full image of. I also want to make sure the user cannot right-click/properties on the image and get the path location of the image.

Once I can figure ou how to do all that, my next step would be to impliment a slideshow ability onto the page. But that is the least of my problems.

I've also thought about using a control, but I have not been able to find a good free control that will do what I want. Perferable If I can find a control, it would be in and C# and be open source.