I have created an array of buttons, and need to event off them. Problem is I need the event to destroy the buttons and then recreate some new ones. I dont know how to destroy all the buttons that I have. Right now I am creating a duplicate form, but dont think that is really a good way to do it. :-( How can I just call a destruction of the buttons? HEEEEELP
Visual Basic:
Public Class frmBarSales
Private Sub frmBarSales_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'lstItems.Items.Add("test KYLE")
'lstItems.Items.Add("TEST 2")
Dim aButton As New System.Windows.Forms.Button
Dim oSQLConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection()
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim strButtonName As String
oSQLConn.ConnectionString = _
"Data Source=xxxxxx;" & _
"Initial Catalog=xxxxxx;" & _
"User ID=xxxxxx;" & _
Dim strSQL As String
'Get Items..
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM categories where sub_id = " & intCategoryID
Dim Buttons(99) As Button
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, oSQLConn)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim LV As Integer
LV = 0
Do While dr.Read
strButtonName = dr.Item("description")
Buttons(LV) = New Button 'Create the button.
'It has a default width and height.
Buttons(LV).Width = 166
Buttons(LV).Height = 166
Buttons(LV).Left = Buttons(LV).Width * (LV Mod 10) + 200
Buttons(LV).Top = ((Buttons(LV).Height * (LV \ 10) + 100))
Buttons(LV).Name = "Btn" & LV
Buttons(LV).Text = strButtonName
Buttons(LV).Tag = dr.Item("id")
AddHandler Buttons(LV).Click, AddressOf ButtonClickEventProcStart
LV = LV + 1
End Sub
Private Sub btRemoveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btRemoveItem.Click
Dim intIndexofItem As Integer
intIndexofItem = lstItems.SelectedIndex
End Sub
Public Sub ButtonClickEventProcStart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim Btn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
intCategoryID = Btn.Tag
'Dim frm As New frmBarSales
End Sub
End Class
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