Create Registry Based on Selection


Sep 2, 2004
North Carolina
This is probably answered somewhere already, but I was unable to locate what I needed. I want to have my application start when booted, and I do this by putting a registry value in the Software-Microsoft-Windows-CurrentVersion-Run. Right now, I always put this value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE but I want it to go there only if the user selected to install my application for everyone. If they selected to install only for the current user, then I want this key to be added in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER. How can I base this on the users selection?
Need Variable Name?

I've just learned how to create extra screens during the setup process, more specifically I have an example of creating a Checkboxes (A) dialog. In the properties, I can set the Property of each Checkbox and use that as a reference for a condition when doing other things. So, does the For Everyone/Me installation option have a Property that I can reference when creating a condition for creating a registry key?
That might help, but I'm sure there is a simple way to do this without having to hack my .msi file. Basically, I just need to know how to access the choice made by the user whether to install my program for all users or 'just me'.