Create Pocket PC Today Window Item

Nate Bross

Apr 6, 2005
Chicago, IL
I'm trying to find some .NET code (preferably vb; but c# will work) to create an item on the Today Screen of a PocketPC. If anyone has any leads about this please let me know!


PS- This isn't exactly Windows Forums but I didn't know where else to put it.
Hi Nate,

kinda an old thread, but the subject isn't. I also wanted to do the same thing. Unfortunately it seems to be not possible in .NET, at least not without using c++.

In the following article from MS they create a Pocket PC Today Screen Plug-in with the .NET Compact Framework. But you have to use eMbedded Visual C++ also.

I did not use this method and made a c++ today plugin with VS2005. It works fine, although my c++ is poor.

Hope you (or anybody else) can use this info.
Could you explain a little bit more about how you did this with C++ 2005? What type of project did you create, etc. My C++ is poor as well, but I figure I can probably hack something together...
@Cags: it's the same link as the one in my first post. But following these instructions you have to install embedded Visual C++. For me this tutorial was not what I wanted.

@Nate: if you have an original copy of Windows you can download the Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC SDK at
When you install this SDK you get a lot of samples. One of them is memwatcher. This is a complete project (including a CAB project) which you can open with VS2005 and you got yourself a today screen plugin with installation file.

From there I started to remove everything I did not wanted en added my own things. For me it was a greate start, especially because I only needed VS2005.

Hopefully it's a bit clear.