Countries from dropdown


Jun 7, 2002
Iowa, United States
I'd like to allow a user to select their country and state (if from US) from a drop down list. Does anyone know where I can get a list of all the countries so I don't have to manually type in all 200 and some? I've searched all over and can't seem to find a list of countries... any help?
You know what would be a cool UI element - when you drop down the list it shows a world map instead of a list of countries and as you move the mouse over the relevant country the text changes to that country name...similarily US states or a map of Europe or whatever.
Perhaps you would be able to adapt your Hotspot control or whatever
it was that you made for VB6 to .NET and use it for that?
Maybe the right mouse button could zoom in to show real 3d maps (from Earthviewer or terraserver, for example). The control would cost you about $1000 per user for licensing, but would look *great* - and no trouble finding Vatican City. Heck, find a top-down satellite view of the pope himself! (Just click on his big white hat to select that country) :)
