Counting record accesses


Jan 3, 2004
Hi. I am trying to count how many times a certain db record is accessed. I want to store it in the database with the UserID associated with the count. (you know kind of like how this forum shows how many times a message has been viewed)

I am not asking for code snippets or anything, just an idea of the best course of action to achieve this. I want to learn this myself - but need some direction to go on.
Thanks in advance.
I would use a stored procedure to extract the record, and maybe you'd pass the user_Id in with the stored procedure that incremented the count on another table that had the user_Id, the record_id and a record_viewed_count...
samsmithnz said:
I would use a stored procedure to extract the record, and maybe you'd pass the user_Id in with the stored procedure that incremented the count on another table that had the user_Id, the record_id and a record_viewed_count...

I will try that and let you know how I come out. Sad part about this is, is that I can do what I need to do for this in JSP in my sleep (practically), but don't have a clue what to do in But this is a good start... Thanks!!
Oh, can you recommend any really good ASP.NET books. The one I have "ASP.NET Unleashed SE" isn't as comprehensive as I would like.
Thanks again.
I currently have

Sams (not me though :p) "ASP.NET 2nd Edition" by Walther
"The Ultimate VB.NET and ASp.NET Code book" by Karl Moore (this is a GREAT book if you're learning about .net)

But all I did was scan through google and buy the books with the best reviews. These books seem pretty darn good to me :)