Count words in a text box


Nov 14, 2002
I have to count specific letters entered in a text box (which I've completeed, as well as count the total number of words. I am going to call anything with a space before and after it a word. I'm not really sure what to do for this. If someone has an idea it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Here is my code to count a character...

    ' Count the number of times that character a is used in the string InputText
    Function strCountA1(ByVal InputText As String, ByVal a As Char) As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To InputText.Length - 1
            If InputText.Substring(i, 1) = a Then
                strCountA1 = strCountA1 + 1
            End If
    End Function
Thanks! How can I display the total in a label instead of a message box? Also, it seems to just count spaces, can I make it a little more selective and require some characters in between spaces? Thank you.
Ok regarding my first question about displaying it in a label, I figured it out.

        Me.WordCountLabel.Text = (sWords.GetUpperBound(0).ToString())

However, my question about making it more selective still stands. It is better than what I had before, but basically just counts spaces. Thanks.
Regular expressions are the easiest and best way if you want an accurate count of words in a String..

Visual Basic:
Dim r As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("\w+")
WordCountLabel.Text = r.Matches(InputText).Count

You can easily count how many times a is in a String as well...

Visual Basic:
Dim r As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[a]{1}")
strCountA1 = r.Matches(InputText).Count
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