Cookie problem


Aug 27, 2003
My development machine hostname is "Devel11"
I was developing an application and during development when i run the application it opens like "http://localhost/Appname/default.aspx"
once user selectes few things and navigates to othe pages i write a cookie. Everything works fine it i use localhost. but once i try with http://Devel11/...
then it is not writing the cookie and my application in not working as it should work.

can any one tell me whats happening, cause it perfectly working when i use localhost and not working if i use hostname.... please...
how to check that.

I am checking by the below line, let me know other wise..

If (Request.Browser.Cookies == false) {
Response.Write("The browser does not support cookies. ...")
This happened to me, too, until I realize that, even on the same PC, your two different locations will have different cookies.

If you are relying on the cookie for the devil site to have the same cookie for the new site, it won't. Allow on your app for there always to be no cookie