cookie problem once i moved the site to a subfolder


May 12, 2009

i have uploaded my site to a while i decided i wanted to move my site to

the problem i noticed is that cookies are not working anymore...thing is i get logged off in around 5min...even though im active on the site.

this has not happened when it was in a root.

the hosting company has wrote me this:
I am sorry, but this problem exceeds technical support boundaries. It is obviously related to coding and we do not provide coding support, unfortunately.

well i have tried that and reuploaded the whole site...still doing the same. why is that, that on my local machine things are working as they should?

this is what i have in config file:
			<forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" defaultUrl="Login.aspx" protection="All" cookieless="UseCookies" 
             path="/rc" timeout="43200" name="Mycookie" slidingExpiration="true" />

Any kind of help would be great.

Have you tried deleting the cookies from your browser and trying again? It could just be the fact there are already existing cookies from the old site and they are preventing new cookies being saved for the new url.
i tried that. it didnt work.. i somehow managed to fix it, but time to time it still loggs out.

I have deleted the whole site and re uploaded the site.
i guess the problem is when my host moved me from shared to dedicated...once im on dedicated the cookies stoped working...the dedicated is much faster of course, so is there anything i can do in my config file to keep the cookies so u can stay logged in??
Is the path attribute set correctly in config file ("rc"), if you remove the path attribute does that fix anything? Alternatively you might try using a relative path (something like "~/rc") and see if that helps.
the path is correct. The cookie problem occur only when im on dedicated pool.
When im on shared it's working perfectly.
I tried to explain to my host ( host excellence ) but they always say it's the code problem.

Would prefer to be on dedicated as it runs much faster, but for now im stuck with shared until i could fix the cookie problem.
As im new to .net i'm not sure how to put session to config file. would this solve my problem or would it do the same thing??
Seems odd that it works when in shared but not dedicated, I would honestly be shocked if it was a code problem as you aren't writing the cookie out in code the framework itself is.

It might be worth seeing if the host can provide you with a list of things that are different at their end when moving from shared to dedicated as it could be a configuration at their end conflicting with something at your end...
could you maybe suggest me what exactly should i ask my host about the different configuration that could make the conflict on dedicated pool?
Honestly i don't really know what to ask anymore and my knowledge of this is still rather new.

I noticed also that when i change from shared to dedicated i can't move back to shared. some sort of a problem occur so i need to ask the host every time to move me back to shared.
Still dont know why they dont fix it as i send the error message.
this is what my host replyed:

Host: I have just consulted with my supervisor. And he explained that this issue could be possible because shared pool updates frequently. And that is why cookie technology could feel some trouble.

me: how can i solve that this will work on dedicated pool?

Host: That is impossible to solve due to the shared kind of our hosting service. That is shared Pool and you can not change it properties. But you can switch your plan to the VPS and you will get your own application pools.

me: if i move to dedicated cookies will not work ??

host: They will but not for a long time.

So my question is, is there a workaround to stay logged in or not??