Converting to Visual Studio 2008


Nov 27, 2003
Currently I have a pretty large project that I made in 2003 and before I convert it to vs2008 I have a couple questions.

First of all, when I convert it there are some errors about my AxWebBrowser control which I guess has been replaced by the WebBrowser control. When I used the AxWebBrowser control I have to include the ieframe.dll in my setup project, in the vs2008 converted project, do I still need to include that .dll or is it no longer necessary?

Another question, will my users have any issues when they 'upgrade' to the new version of my program by using the .msi file to install it? Currently I have it set to detect previous version and remove previous version, so will converting it cause any issues with this?
In all honesty you will probably find the best answer regarding the ieframe.dll question is to upgrade the project and try it... (I would strongly advise making sure you have the current version checked into your source control just in case though)

The installer should however upgrade the previous version to the new version regardless of framework / vs version used to build the application.