Console window popping up when I start my DirectX/C# app


Dec 12, 2003
So whenever I run my app, I get a strange, empty console window that loads behind my DirectX window and goes away when I close my project.

The console window just has the Window path of my app (c:\projects\FantasyWars\bin\Debug\FantasyWars.exe) as its title, and little "c:\" as its icon, but is otherwise empty with just a flashing cursor in its upper-left.

My initialization code is almost identical to the GameUtil Demo ( initialization code, and that project doesn't have this problem when I run it.

Anyone know what could cause this to happen, or what i can do to get rid of it? Thnx in advance....

I've dug around everywhere, and yet I can't find any opportunity to change the setting you mentioned.

Can you tell me how to get to the exact menu opton or dialog where I need to change this setting?

I'm still very much a beginner, so I'm not all that familiar with the environment yet....


Project menu bottom option (<project name> properties).
On the left select common properties and then general.
on the right find Output Type and what does it say?