

Jul 6, 2005
I am using .net 1.1 and i am trying to catch CONCURRENCY_EXCEPTION and throw a message for that exception using the code

MessageBox.Show("This record has been updated since you opened it. Please close the record and re-open it.");

it works when i try to compile it in my machine but after deploying the code it does not catch this error.It just give a general "Server encountered an internal error".

Can any one help me in this.
Maybe you should post the whole try/catch block, because from what you've posted I can't see a possible cause.
private void HandleUnhandledExceptions(Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("This record has been updated since you opened it. Please close the record and re-open it.");

if((ex.Message != "SERVER_EXCEPTION") && (ex.Message != "CONCURRENCY_EXCEPTION"))
// //TODO if an exception occurs inside frmMain, this would close active form which would not be expected behavior.
// //need to resolve.
// if (this.ActiveMdiChild != null)
// {
// this.ActiveMdiChild.Dispose();
// }
am using remoting here and when i tryed to google for this problem in internet some ppl have sugested to use

<customErrors mode="on" /> and i have used this in the webconfig file of the server but it still dosen't work

shankar_it said:
I am using remoting here
There's still not enough to work with. But, if I were you, I would not drive your logic off of string comparisons with the .Message property. Do something like this instead:
if (ex is NullReferenceException)
    // do something
else if (ex is MissingMemberException)
    // do something
    // ex is some other type of exception
It gives a error called "message: 'Server encoutered an internal error. for more information, turn on the customErrors in server's .config file'" when i deploy it in the server with the ex as "sever_exception" but when i compile it in the local machine it works properly and the ex vaule is "concurrency_exception" and it goes into the if block and displays the message i have typed
If you were to use my approach, the Message would not matter. Using string comparisons like that to drive logic is generally a bad idea.