Compile to x86 on XP x64

Nate Bross

Apr 6, 2005
Chicago, IL
I'm not sure if this should be here or in the DirectX section, but here goes.

I'm using Visual Basic.NET 2005 Express

I have program that uses Managed DirectX 9.0c on the December 2005 Update; however, the .NET Framework v2.0 MDX modules are not complete, and only one is released, I am trying to use the v1.1 MDX modules. I am using XP x64 and for some reason the code is combiled for x64, but the MDX v1.1 binarys do not have an x64 version, so I want to use WOW64 to run the x86 versions.

When I run the program it does one of two things, either no code in my Form_Load is executed, or I get an error message ' is not a valid win32 application.'

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
Not sure about the Express edition but VS 2005 allows you to define different configurations from the build menu - from there you can select the target architecture.
For the express editions I believe that if you want to target a specific architecture, you need to download the express version specific to that architecture. Don't quote me on that though.