compilation problem


Nov 17, 2003

Im new to VB, but with experience with a few other languages.

Im having some trouble wiht VB .NET's compilation process.

according to my manual, all thats necessary is to set it for Release version and click Build solution.

the .exe file that is produced runs perfectly on the computer it was built on, but will not work on any other computer.

Ive attempted this with several different programs, including a simple "hello world" with the same problem.

any suggestions?
All the computers need to have the framework installed in order to work. You can download it for free from MS's site, so you need to do that first.

so that would need to be distributed in an install file to make a redistributable version of an application?
I'm not experienced with making setup projects, but I'm fairly sure it has to be installed separately. You can provide a link to download it, or if you are distributing a CD, put the setup file on the CD.
I see.

Thank you for your help.

Apparently this software is unable to make professional quality marketable programs then. :/
Not true. I don't see people complaining when games require DirectX, though that is just as big, or bigger. It's the same thing really.
Good point
thanks ill play with it a bit.

Although it still seems it would be a issue, since they cannot even run the setup file untill after they have installed the framework
It's a bit of a drawback, sure, but it's the price you pay for such flexibility. You can't really have all the functionality that .NET has without leaving a sizable footprint.