compare version / number


Mar 10, 2008
I want to compare 2 numbers in VB6.
The numbers are in a format like: 1.2.3
So here 1.2.3 is less than 1.2.4.
Also 1.2.3 is greater than 1.2.1.
And 1.2.3 equals 1.2.3.
So how should I do it?
Visual Basic:
Dim NumberOne As Single
Dim NumberTwo As Single

NumberOne = 1.2.3
NumberTwo = 3.2.1

If Version > MyVersion Then
End If

If Version = MyVersion Then
End If

If Version < MyVersion Then
End If
But I think it has some logical problems as it won't compare correctly!
Thank you for any ideas you might have!
The two decimal points would prevent the numbers being stored as a single, double or decimal.

You might find the easiest way is to split the strings by the "." character and then convert each of the sections into an integer similar to the following...

Visual Basic:
        Dim NumberOne As String
        Dim NumberTwo As String

        NumberOne = "1.2.3"
        NumberTwo = "3.2.1"

        Dim nums1() As String
        nums1 = Split(NumberOne, ".")
        Dim nums2() As String
        nums2 = Split(NumberTwo, ".")

        Dim v1 As Integer
        Dim v2 As Integer

        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To Len(nums1)
            v1 = CInt(nums1(i))
            v2 = CInt(nums2(i))

            If v1 > v2 Then
                'v1 is biggest
            ElseIf v2 > v1 Then
                'v2 is biggest
            End If

        'both are same
That might not be exact as I don't have vb6 on this pc so it is a bit from memory.

It might be easier still though if you created either a class or a type to hold the version information as three separate integers and have a function that would compare the these types.