Communication through webbrowser.


Mar 10, 2009

Is it possible to read out the contents of a page that has already be loaded into a webbrowser...say IExplorer...?

On 'normal' windows programs there is a way to externally control a program and its contents. But on a page loaded in a webbrowser i can't find a way to get external control of its contents and buttons ect...

So to put it simple:
I have Iexplorer up and running showing me some content.
Now i want to run another program that can read out that content in IExplorer, and lateron put some 'updated' content back.

Is such a thing possible ?

Many thanks in advance :)
I think the best you're going to be able to do is to add an auto refresh timer to your form and handle your changes by looking at the ASP.NET IsPostBack property.

Web Browsers are specifically designed so that people can NOT access or externally control a program and its contents. However, you could write an application and have others install it. That is often how viruses are spread, though.
I think the best you're going to be able to do is to add an auto refresh timer to your form and handle your changes by looking at the ASP.NET IsPostBack property.

Web Browsers are specifically designed so that people can NOT access or externally control a program and its contents. However, you could write an application and have others install it. That is often how viruses are spread, though.

thanks for the repy :)

Its not really a timed operation im looking for.
The problem is that i want a slow working website (a site where i have to fill in lots of text on different pages) make a bit faster by collecting the the text in another App, process it manually and then send it back to that same page.
I have no control over the website...else i could for sure make that one faster ;) so my thoughts were to process all in a separate app to speed up that part and when finished ...send it all back to the browser so the browser could return al the data.