combo box


Dec 20, 2006
I want to change the text of current selected item of a combo box to another string at run time.
I have played with a lot of properties but had no luck, how should I do this task?
Thanks everyone.
Changing string items or custom objects

Do you want to change the text of the item itself, or just the text displayed in the ComboBox? If you only wish to change the text displayed, you should be able to use the Text property.

However, if you wish to change the text of an actual item, it depends on what the item is. For example, if you have added each item as just a string, then you will have to remove the item and add a new item at the same index. If, however, you are using a custom class for your ComboBox items, the text of the item is set by the ToString method so by changing this, you can change the text in the combobox.

For example, if your ComboBox contains strings:

Visual Basic:
Dim oldIndex As Integer

oldIndex = myCombo.SelectedIndex
myCombo.Items.Insert(oldIndex, newText)
myCombo.SelectedIndex = oldIndex

If your ComboBox contains a custom class then changing the result of the ToString method will change the text in the ComboBox:

Visual Basic:
Class CustomClass
    Private _text As String

    Public Property Text As String
            Return _text
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _text = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return _text
End Class

'Changing text of an item:
Dim myItem As CustomClass
myItem = DirectCast(myCombo.SelectedItem, CustomClass)
myItem.Text = newText

The fact that the ComboBox can hold all types of objects in this way can be very useful.

Good luck :)