combo box has data but doesn't display them


May 22, 2003
Saybrook, IL
I have a combo box that is getting it's data from a stored proc in Sql. The proc is bringing back the data to the combo box, but when I select the drop down arrow, the box is blank.. depending on which box I choose, there is enough data in teh drop down that the scroll bars show up, but none of the data is displayed. If I select a value, then that values appears in teh combo box. I'm not sure what I've done or not done that it is working this way. can anyone help.

Here is what I'm doing to bring in the data
Visual Basic:
  With Me.cbServer
                .DisplayMember = "vcServer"
                .ValueMember = "intTblPMServerId"
                .DataSource = wsPerfmon.spPMListing_Server.Tables(0).DefaultView
            End With
The code is ok (it should be, because you can select the items and they are displayed in the box). You said the item is displayed when you select it. Is it still displayed when you set the focus to another control. If not, check the color properties of the combobox (or check it anyway).
yep.. the selected item is still displayed when i set focus to another control.. so what do you think might be causing it...

thanks for the replie
Is this the only issue of this type that you are having? Do you have McAfee Enterprise 8 on your machine? There is apparently some kind of conflict that causes visual data loss. If this is your problem, McAfee have a patch available.
Sorry I did not answer earlier, but I was out of my office. To be honest I don't have the slightest idea what may cause your problem. But possibly it's something like jmcilhinney mentioned. If the hint did not solve your problem already, jmcilhinney reminded me of something else. If it's a loss of graphics data, try to get the latest drivers for your graphics adaptor. Check for the latest service packs for the framework..... Standard procedure I would say. :rolleyes:

Such problems are very unpredictable, so if no one else had that problem before, you can only guess; and even if someone had the same problem, there is no guarantee that his solution will solve your problem. That's sad but true. :(

Btw, did you try your program on another machine?
I do have McAfee 8 on my machine.. and turns out that when i compile and just run the exe, everything shows up like it should.. only when I'm running in debugger mode does it not show up.. so, i can live with that. will be glad when it works as normal though