COM+ 3 tier examples?


Jan 14, 2002
What am I not understanding here?

I tried a demo project that I got off the web, from microsoft I think. What it does is create two objects that are COM+ serviced. Account and Customer.

Anyways, it works fine. I hit 'Add Customer' and the COM+ object instantiates and adds the customer.

But shouldn't I be seeing these objects in the COM+ explorer? Because I am not.

Anyone have a pointer to a decent article for creating 3-tier app using COM+ ?
OK, I see it now. The refresh choice doesn't exactly refresh. I had to close the entire COM+ explorer and reopen it. Wah lah, then I saw it.

I understand that these objects had dynamically registered in COM+ because of info pulled from the assembly.

But what I still don't understand is how do I tell the client application to use COM+ servers sitting on another machine? Like with VB/MTS I would put the DLL into MTS, export the package, and install the package with the client app. The stub from the exported package told my client application to go run the component on the server.

Is there something similar for COM+ or am I missing something? I see export on the COM+ application in COM+ explorer, is that the same thing as export package in the old MTS?