Colors in form controls


Sep 14, 2005
Is it possible to fill a combobox or some other listing type control with a selection of colors a user can choose from? I am making an options form for my app and would like the user to be able to choose colors for certain things... or do I have to manually do it?
matt09524 said:
Is it possible to fill a combobox or some other listing type control with a selection of colors a user can choose from? I am making an options form for my app and would like the user to be able to choose colors for certain things... or do I have to manually do it?

You can use the colordialog


Search google or this forum for example of owner drawn listviews/combos. You have to implement the drawing code yourself, but it isn't very difficult once you understand the mechanics. I believe (not sure, it has been a while) that it is done by inheriting the ListView, setting the ListView's OwnerDrawn property to True, and overriding certain protected functions.