Clipping rectangle problems


Ultimate Contributor
Jun 10, 2003
In my program I am drawing to the backbuffer, which has a clipper tied to the form being drawn on. When I try to blit over the edge of the form, however, the program raises an exception: Error 5: Error in the application.

Am I confused or should the clipping rectangle (set to contain the form by clipper.window = targetform) prevent errors caused by blitting outside the edges of the surface?

I'm wondering if this would work on the .draw method and not the .drawfast method
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What does the dbmon application report?

dbmon.exe is located at:

If you run it, then run your application in Debug mode, the dbmon window will show some diagnostics, including more descriptive errors than what you get inside Visual Studio.

Does clipping work for .drawfast()?

2096: Direct3D9: (ERROR) :Invalid BltFast destination dimensions

I don't think thats the problem because the i got an error with .draw() too.

3176: Direct3D9: (ERROR) :width/height = 640 x 480, dest rect = (504, 466)-(520, 482)

I also set the clipping rectangle to a smaller region and it still did not clip it
Does anyone know if you can clip with drawfast?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Is there anything wrong with this?

        Dim clip2 As New Clipper
        Dim ClipRect() As Rectangle = {New Rectangle(0, 0, 640, 480)}
        clip2.ClipList = ClipRect
        ssurface.Clipper = clip2

Does anyone know? Does anyone care?