ClickOnce Certificates


Jan 18, 2004
Longview, TX [USA]
How do I get or create a trusted Certificate for the ClickOnce setting to sign my project?

I'm using Visual Studio 2005, and it allows me to create a temporary test certificate. I don't see how to change it so that it reads something besides my domain and login name, and I don't see how to make it a trusted certificate by placing it "in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store." - even though I clicked "Select from Store..."

Where can I find information on how to do this?
That is some interesting stuff, and a lot to read!

Seems like Microsoft would allow a default certificate saying something like, "Issued to Visual Studio developer Bobba Fett" (or whoever the software was licensed under) with a link in the application of where to go to instantly purchase a custom certificate through Microsoft.

I'm surprised Micro$oft hasn't exploited this path to more money.

Thanks for the link!
If you are just doing this internal to your company then it is possible to issue your own certificates - you will need Certificate Services installed on the network (part of the domain if you are running in a domain environment).

Your network admins are probably the best people to ask about this if it is for use on a corporate network, if it is for public use though a verfied certificate signed by a trusted authority is the only real way.

If MS allowed VS to produce it's own certificates they would be responsible for verifying every single certificate produced, probably not something they want to do.