Choosing a Development Program


Jul 28, 2005
I'm looking for a good VB.Net development program. Currently i have Visual Studio 2002 which uses .Net Framwork 1.0 :(
I do not believe you can upgrade VS 2002 to a higher framework. So i'm looking for other programs.
I'd like to stick with free stuff if the difference in functionality between free and not free is not too much.

Currently I've downloaded both Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition and SharpDevelop 2.0. Both of them are free, and both of these seem to run all of my old programs just fine, which totally rocks.

I'm wondering what i'm losing out on between a non-free VS.Net program and the free Express edition of Anyone know? Currently i'm not using anything else but
Thanks, ya i think i'll stick with 2005 express. Having used it for just a few minutes i can see it offers quite a bit of neat features that 2002 didnt have.
I'll use it until i ever hit a roadblock, if i ever do. Then I'll check out something else.

Cags said:
Take a look at this following link, it should answer most of your questions. As to whether you'll miss anything thats been left out of the Express Edition, I doubt it.