Checkboxlist: how can I do this?


Mar 8, 2004
This is what I want to do:

Have a checkboxlist, when user clicks on any checkbox, display a text field under it with the information pulled from database and displayed in the textbox... The textboxes are then updated back to the database

Something like this:

But my issues/questions are these:
1. I want the textbox to be hidden ( but have the data from database already pulled into it). Only make the textboxes visible when a checkbox is clicked.

2. Is there another option besides "textbox"..because I dont know how big the field is going to be in the could be one line, it could be a paragrah.. is there a dynamic control I can use??

3. Is this doable on a datagrid/datalist?

Thanks so much for any help
I not really understand what is your purpose. From your example link, I don't think it is practical, because every time user click on checkbox, the page will refresh.

You can use javascript to make your control hide, like = "none" or = "" to make it visible;

Web application is different from Windows application, because it is stateless, so we should not simply apply the same programming methods to web application. We need to consider client side or server side process.