my MDI application create menu dynamicaly from a database.
it get menu names and create them and add them to mainmenu of my mdi app.
for each menu i add event that come up its name.
in this case add event "name1_click" to menus that named "name1"
but if there isn't any function with this address "name1_click" debuger return error that there is this function.
ok. how can i check availability of this function before add event?
i need a function that get a string and return true if there was a function with it string.
it get menu names and create them and add them to mainmenu of my mdi app.
for each menu i add event that come up its name.
in this case add event "name1_click" to menus that named "name1"
but if there isn't any function with this address "name1_click" debuger return error that there is this function.
ok. how can i check availability of this function before add event?
i need a function that get a string and return true if there was a function with it string.
private bool isfunction(string funcName)
if(there is function as name funcName)
return true;
return false
private addEventToMenu(string menuName)
Menu newmenu = ....
//after create menu
.... add event menuName+"_Click" to newmenu
add defaultMenu_Click to newmenu