Changing the banner on the installation dialog boxes question?


Dec 7, 2003
Western North Carolina
I have made custom banners for my installation dialog forms... 500 x 70 pixels. OK, they display nicely but the old default text is written over top of the new banner bitmap files.

Has anyone had and corrected this problem before?

Boy I sure hope that I not the only one to ever change the banners on the setup program. Really guys this is serious.... By default, the banners are white with some black text and on the right of that is a little icon that is common to all the setup dialogs. When I set the forms to use my .bmp banner, it displays but - the default text is on top of my new banner with a transparent background. But the funny thing is, the default icon is gone. Either hidden underneath my banner or removed. My opinion is that MS has intended for my new banner to just cover up their default stuff, but it remains there. And the labels with the text are brought to front. OR, the text could be painted onto the forms. Either way I would like to find a way to send there text labels to the back or turn off the text writing process. I have searched all over Microsoft’s website for information in this problem, but found none. Does anyone have ideas how to accomplish this task or does everyone just use the generic setup dialogs?

:confused: :confused: :confused: