Changing event type


Nov 29, 2005
OK, im a complete noob at C#, i came over from vb because of the slight similarities, and i wanted to learn C#...problem is im stumped already. In vb, to change the event it was as easy as selecting it in a drop box, or typing it in at the end of the sub c# neither are anywhere to be found. For example, if i have a button on the form, when i dbl click on it to get to the code, it only gives me the option for what happens on Button1_Click, and no option for MouseOver, etc. The button is kinda a bad example because of its lack of useful events, but how would i accomplish changing this?
There should be a button in the properties window to list all the events for the object selected in the designer.
As marble_eater says you can view the events of a control in the properties tab of the designer, the button your looking for is a lightning bolt. Then you can simply double click an event and it will attach the event and take you to the code view.