Changes to application disappearing!


Nov 2, 2002
I have a VB.NET application called "Tray" that I created and a setup project created with the setup wizard. Everything works fine, except I noticed a small bug with the program. So I fixed the bug, but no matter what I do, the setup program installs the application with the bug, and not the new version! I can't imagine why this is. In addition to installing the previous buggy version of Tray, none of the changes I make to the File System in the setup project seem to take hold. I originally had a file called "readme.htm" in the "User's Programs Menu." However, it was suppoed to be "readme.rtf" - so I delete the "readme.htm" from the file system, put in a shortcut to the readme.rtf file, and yet when I rebuild and reinstall the application, readme.htm is still there! It's as if none of the changes I make matter, because it keeps installing the old version of "Tray" with the old filesystem. By the way, I have been installing the program by right-clicking on the setup project in the Solution Explorer, clicking "build" and then right clicking on it again and clicking "install". What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!