Centering Web Objects


Jan 23, 2004
Chicago, IL
I am relatively new to ASP.NET and the .NET structure in general, so I apologize if this question is overly elementary. I am using VS.NET 2003 to build a basic aspx page that (I hope) I can develop into a more advanced page later. The page only contains about a half-a-dozen images and a half-a-dozen labels. I set my <div align="center"> up just inside the body, but the objects don't center up whenever you view the page; they stay aligned to the left of the screen. Any ideas where I'm hosed up?

I can post the code if needed.

Thanks in advance.
I saw your source code already, because you hard coded your element position using CSS like "LEFT: 48px; WIDTH: 572px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 328px;".... this is the reason why your page not center up.

VS.NET will automatic add those code for you, I will suggest you remove the ms_positioning="GridLayout" in HTML Body tag and try not to use CSS to hard code your element position