catching and displaying the debugger messages


Jan 12, 2005
our application displays debugging messages in the output panel (mostly sql queries sent to sql server). i am wondering if i can write a utility to perform some tasks. on the same time, the same utility will catch the debugging messages, filter them, and display them. i guess my goal at the end might become writing a customized debugger....
on the other hand, is it possible to catch which functions were called while debugging without writing any code? if so, code explored map could be constructed...
I know rational purify plus has something like that. It can generate coverage information (what part of code is called how often, taking how many milliseconds of time to finish) so it is possible. Havent worked with it recently but if my memory is correct it does some kind of profiling on your binary before running it. That would mean it injects its own profiling code. Dont know how this works with signed binaries though, havent used it that extensively on managed code. Mostly use it for finding memory leaks in old fashioned C++, which it does very well :eek: ;).

On the tracing part I use this, which is free (rational tools will never be considered cheap ;) ). Does everything I need for tracing and works for managed and unmanaged code.