Can't reference a radio button


Feb 23, 2004
I've created a control which has 3 radio buttons and a text box. It looks roughly like this:

Fee Type
0 Gross Margin
0 Cost Markup
0 Flat Rate

Fee Rate

If the user selects one of the first 2 options, the textbox needs to be filled with a percentage (0-100). If the user selects the Flat Rate option, the textbox will have a currency value.

What I'd like to do is format the number entered in the textbox as a currency if option #3 is selected in the radio box. I've done this successfully on other textboxes that require currencies, but can't seem to make it conditional on which radio button is selected.

<script language="VBScript">
    sub ConvertFeeDoubletoCurrency(field)

        if IsNumeric(field.value) then
                    field.value = FormatCurrency(field.value)
            alert("A numeric value must be entered")
        end if
    end sub

<asp:RadioButtonList id="lblFeeTypeRadio" runat="server">
	<asp:ListItem text="Gross Margin %" value="0" />
	<asp:ListItem text="Cost Markup %" value="1" />
	<asp:ListItem text="Flat Rate" value="2" />

<asp:textbox id="lblFeeRate" onBlur="ConvertFeeDoubletoCurrency(this)"

I'd like to wrap an IF THEN statement around the FormatCurrency line to only execute if the 3rd radio button has been selected, but I can't seem to reference it.

This is how the browser renders the radio buttons:
<input id="_ctl3_SellPriceCalculator_lblFeeTypeRadio_0" type="radio"
name="_ctl3:SellPriceCalculator:lblFeeTypeRadio" value="0" />
<input id="_ctl3_SellPriceCalculator_lblFeeTypeRadio_1" type="radio"
name="_ctl3:SellPriceCalculator:lblFeeTypeRadio" value="1" checked="checked" />
<input id="_ctl3_SellPriceCalculator_lblFeeTypeRadio_2" type="radio"
name="_ctl3:SellPriceCalculator:lblFeeTypeRadio" value="2" />

I keep getting an invalid character error at the underscore when I try to reference the button using OpportunityForm._ctl3_SellPriceCalculator_lblFeeTypeRadio_2. Any suggestions on how I can tell which button has been selected in my VBScript onBlur function?