Can't get property from user control


Apr 10, 2003
Weston, FL
I have a public property inside my usercontrol which I set inside the Repeater.ItemDataBound event as follows:
If blnFirstTime Then
Dim lblstrDate As Label = DirectCast(e.Item.FindControl("lblPressReleaseDate"), Label)
blnFirstTime = False
strDate = lblstrDate.Text
End If

After the user control finishes databinding, I want to take the value of this property and display it on the aspx page that is hosting the usercontrol.

I have the following set up:
Protected PressRoomArticles As New Platform_CampusInfo_PressRoom_UserControls_PressRoomArticles

I have the following code set up to retrieve the value, but I don't know what event of the page to place it in.
lblPressDate.Text = PressRoomArticles.sPressReleaseDate 'this is my public property inside the user control

What event can I use to display the value of this variable?

fyi, this value is coming up as a label text value inside the user control when displayed. Since it's a repeater, I set the visibility to disabled, since I only want it displayed once on the aspx page that hosts this user control.
Can't get a property from a user control

The Repeater control is inside the UserControl. My aspx page hosts the UserControl.

I tried setting a break point in the PageLoad event of the aspx page (which is where I wanted to get my property value), but the PageLoad event of the aspx page was never hit... I don't get it. I thought that the UserControl gets rendered first, then the aspx page which hosts it.

All I want to do is to access a property inside the UserControl from my aspx page....