Can't get keys from App.config file - am I missing something?


Sep 16, 2005
Can't get keys from App.config file in Class Library project - am I missing something

Hi there,

I'm having a bit of trouble in a C# Class Library that I'm writing - when I try to get keys from the App.config file I'm getting nothing back. I copied the code from another project of mine (a Windows Service), which works fine there. Don't understand why nothing is being returned.

What I did was:

Added an Application Configuration File to my Class Library project, named the default App.config

It looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key ="CopyrightFolder" value ="Copyright\\" />
    <add key ="CopyrightTagWord" value ="CopyrightTag.docx" />

Used this code to try to read the key:
NameValueCollection appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
CopyrightFolder = appSettings.Get("CopyrightFolder");

At the top of the class I'm using the System.Collections.Specialized for the NameValueCollection, the class compiles fine. I have a Windows Forms app just to test the class library, when I run the function that contains the code to read the key and step through, the CopyrightFolder remains as null (it's defined as string earlier in the code).

As I say - this code is the exact same as the other project - I'm a bit baffled as to why it's working in 1 and not the other?

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Re: Can't get keys from App.config file in Class Library project - am I missing somet

Where is the config file located and what is it's filename? Dlls don't have their own config files - they load their settings from the calling executable's config file.