Can't delete dependency


Aug 12, 2003
The Netherlands
Dear all,

In my project I have had a link to the but I changed my software and now it doesn't need it anymore. So I deleted the files from the project folder but now there is an error saying: "The dependency 'Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core' could not be found.", but I deleted everything in the code that referenced that file.

The software is working fine btw, it doesn't ask about this very dependency, but the fact that it is still standing there doesn't please me :)

I have deleted all the code
I have deleted them in the solution explorer
It's not in the object browser anymore
And when I click the error it gives some sound only but doesn't jump to the place where the error might be.
Still I have an error that seems to do nothing.

Where have I forgot to delete it ?
How is your software working fine when you are getting an error? Apparently you are still using code that uses functions from that assembly.
Most probably there is indeed. I can simply not find the error. Because when I check the dependencies for me project it returns that there is nothing for my project to depend on.....

I think it is a strange problem, but the code is REALLY working okay :confused:

When I deploy the project, it gives a blue "wrinkle" underneath "Primary output of myproject", and it gives TWO extra minor errors, but it completes building and I can perfectly install my software on a complete freshly installed Windows XP Home / Pro computer without Office installed.

My previous software worked with MS Excel, but because of all the incompatibilty problems for the project I used it for we decided to go to XML Speadsheet, which works WAY better. Only software still thinks that it needs office......

Strange huh ? :eek:

Hopefully somebody can help me with this one ?
