cannot print from web


Sep 19, 2005
Hello I need some help

I setup my Web application to print from a WebServer. I have setup the
account so that it can print correctly. However, it can only print if
the printer is connected to Win98 but if the

printer is connected to Win2000/XP, it throws an error:

Error in File xxx Request cancelled by the user.

Here is my code to print over the web:

Dim x As ReportDocument = New ReportDocument()
x.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "xxx"
x.PrintToPrinter(1, True, 1, 1) '(eror on this line)

Please give me a solution
thank u all
If this code is running on the web server then the ASPNET account will most likely need to be granted permissions to the printer, also be aware this will probably result in the printer attached to the web server being used not a client side printer.