Cannot join to SQL from Remote computer


Sep 13, 2004
I must apologise for coming back with a problem but this time I think I can explain it alot better.

I have my IIS set up Not to allow anonymous logon.
I have authentication = windows and
Impersonate = true in my web config

I am using Integrated Security = SSPI in my SQL connection

but my problem is if I use the computer that is the IIS and open the Web page then any comboboxes (which are filled from a SQL table) populate and everything goes great.and if I remain signed into the IIS and go to another computer in the same Domain and open the web page it still works perfectly but if I sign out of the IIS and open the page, none of the comboboxes populate and if I press the Search button which should connect to the DB I get a Login Failed for user NT Authority\ANONYMOUS LOGON error.

I have done alot of searching on the net to try and find a fix for this. but have had no luck although alot of people seem to have run into the same problem.

Please can anyone help me with this.